因為是商城東西當然琳瑯滿目XD所以不只買了小雞麵還買了辦公室團購零食【大湖農會】草莓手工蛋捲(奶蛋素可)(250g / 盒)x2盒組 初戀般的甜蜜!
當然不只【大湖農會】草莓手工蛋捲(奶蛋素可)(250g / 盒)x2盒組 初戀般的甜蜜!裡面還有賣蛋糕水果阿什麼的
每個都想吃所以就請同事一起團購真的 好期待零食送來的那天!!!
雖然是小牌子沒有大牌子的光環【大湖農會】草莓手工蛋捲(奶蛋素可)(250g / 盒)x2盒組 初戀般的甜蜜!價格也便宜
而且很多 知名購物商城加入會員以後會不定時送電子折價券,所以其實買到的價格很多時候都比標價便宜很多
【大湖農會】草莓手工蛋捲(奶蛋素可)(250g / 盒)x2盒組 初戀般的甜蜜!
Across China: South China vocational schools "going out"
NANNING, May 11 (Xinhua) -- Fernando Habel Alexza Inkiriwang has been studying in a south China college for seven months. The young Indonesian studies automechanics and most of his classes are in Chinese.
"It's good to study and learn Chinese here. I hope to bring my family a better life and buy them a car after I begin work," he said.
Inkiriwang barely knew any Chinese a year ago but can now hold simple conversations.
As more Chinese businesses seek opportunities overseas, some vocational colleges are working to attract overseas students.
Inkiriwang is among 126 Indonesian students recruited by Liuzhou City Vocational College (LCVC) and China-based auto-maker SAIC-GM-Wuling Automobile Co. (SGMW) in Liuzhou, an industrial city in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.
Two years ago, SGMW invested 700 million U.S. dollars in a factory in western Java which will open later this year. It will produce 150,000 vehicles per year, so a large number of skilled Indonesian workers are required, and the company is training locals.
Each student studies at LCVC for about two years before going back to Indonesia for a year's apprenticeship before beginning work for SGMW in Indonesia.
According to the LCVC, graduates earn more than 2,000 yuan (290 U.S. dollars) per month during their apprenticeship, the standard for basic automobile workers there, but they earn even more after graduation.
"With skills, and knowledge of Chinese, graduates will manage other workers. They can also act as a channel between Indonesian and Chinese staff," said Tang Chunjie, in charge of the program at the LCVC.
In 2015, the program enrolled 63 students; in 2016, the number rose to more than 120.
"Parents are more willing to send their children here when they understand the benefits," Tang said.
"As businesses go overseas, finding enough high-quality talent and technicians becomes a challenge," said Huang Xiongbiao, deputy director of Guangxi's regional department of education. A great number of vocational colleges in Guangxi are driven by the demands of companies who want to expand overseas.
At Liuzhou辦公室零食櫃 Vocational Technical College (LVTC), construction equipment maker Guangxi Liugong Machinery is working with a dealer in Saudi Arabia to set up Saudi Arabia's first vocational university, with courses, programs and administration designed by the LVTC.
LiuGong has sold equipment such as excavators, cranes and loaders to about 50 countries along the Belt and Road, with sales of some products rising by over 20 percent last year.
Liao Jihua of LiuGong said the Saudis will provide both building land and funds.
"Many of the countries we cooperate with do not have the resource to train skilled workers," Liao said, adding that the college in Saudi Arabia was just a beginning.
"We plan to work on more such institutions under the Belt and Road Initiative," he said.
Li Yongqi, an official in charge of vocational education from Guangxi's education department, said his department plans cooperation on vocational education, especially between China and ASEAN, and expects help more vocational colleges to work with overseas businesses.
"We expect that wherever a Chinese business has reached, there will also be a vocational college," Li said.
【大湖農會】草莓手工蛋捲(奶蛋素可)(250g / 盒)x2盒組 初戀般的甜蜜!開箱推薦【大湖農會】草莓手工蛋捲(奶蛋素可)(250g / 盒)x2盒組 初戀般的甜蜜!團購美食 【大湖農會】草莓手工蛋捲(奶蛋素可)(250g / 盒)x2盒組 初戀般的甜蜜! 辦公室團購美食#GOODS_NAME#心得分享【大湖農會】草莓手工蛋捲(奶蛋素可)(250g / 盒)x2盒組 初戀般的甜蜜!伴手禮 【大湖農會】草莓手工蛋捲(奶蛋素可)(250g / 盒)x2盒組 初戀般的甜蜜!網路團購【大湖農會】草莓手工蛋捲(奶蛋素可)(250g / 盒)x2盒組 初戀般的甜蜜!辦公室零食推薦#GOODS_NAME#辦公室零食櫃【大湖農會】草莓手工蛋捲(奶蛋素可)(250g / 盒)x2盒組 初戀般的甜蜜!辦公室零嘴 您或許有興趣的東西:
因為是商城東西當然琳瑯滿目XD所以不只買了小雞麵還買了辦公室團購零食【大湖農會】草莓手工蛋捲(奶蛋素可)(250g / 盒)x2盒組 初戀般的甜蜜!
當然不只【大湖農會】草莓手工蛋捲(奶蛋素可)(250g / 盒)x2盒組 初戀般的甜蜜!裡面還有賣蛋糕水果阿什麼的
每個都想吃所以就請同事一起團購真的 好期待零食送來的那天!!!
雖然是小牌子沒有大牌子的光環【大湖農會】草莓手工蛋捲(奶蛋素可)(250g / 盒)x2盒組 初戀般的甜蜜!價格也便宜
而且很多 知名購物商城加入會員以後會不定時送電子折價券,所以其實買到的價格很多時候都比標價便宜很多
- 大湖特產當季採收草莓果實濃縮製成,酥脆紮實的手工蛋捲
- 香濃美味的草莓香氣,有種初戀般的甜蜜!
- 酥脆草莓蛋捲啪擦的碎在口中,聞的到幸福的味道也吃得滿嘴香甜
【大湖農會】草莓手工蛋捲(奶蛋素可)(250g / 盒)x2盒組 初戀般的甜蜜!
寶貝用品購物網推薦 | ||
專門賣寶寶天然的清潔用品~~ | ||
韓國首選婦幼產品,既時尚又實用 | ||
適合給新手爸媽的嬰兒購物網,一應俱全! | ||
各大購物網快速連結 | ||
東森購物網 | 性質大多相同 建議每一家搜尋要購買的品項後 比對出能折價卷能扣最多的一家來消費保養品、化妝品我比較常在momo購物網買,切記是"購物網"才有正品保障!! | |
森森購物網 | ||
udn買東西 | ||
MOMO購物網 | ||
瘋狂麥克 | 有時候新鮮貨我都在瘋狂麥克找,基本上想找的,瘋狂賣客都會賣~ | |
Across China: South China vocational schools "going out"
NANNING, May 11 (Xinhua) -- Fernando Habel Alexza Inkiriwang has been studying in a south China college for seven months. The young Indonesian studies automechanics and most of his classes are in Chinese.
"It's good to study and learn Chinese here. I hope to bring my family a better life and buy them a car after I begin work," he said.
Inkiriwang barely knew any Chinese a year ago but can now hold simple conversations.
As more Chinese businesses seek opportunities overseas, some vocational colleges are working to attract overseas students.
Inkiriwang is among 126 Indonesian students recruited by Liuzhou City Vocational College (LCVC) and China-based auto-maker SAIC-GM-Wuling Automobile Co. (SGMW) in Liuzhou, an industrial city in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.
Two years ago, SGMW invested 700 million U.S. dollars in a factory in western Java which will open later this year. It will produce 150,000 vehicles per year, so a large number of skilled Indonesian workers are required, and the company is training locals.
Each student studies at LCVC for about two years before going back to Indonesia for a year's apprenticeship before beginning work for SGMW in Indonesia.
According to the LCVC, graduates earn more than 2,000 yuan (290 U.S. dollars) per month during their apprenticeship, the standard for basic automobile workers there, but they earn even more after graduation.
"With skills, and knowledge of Chinese, graduates will manage other workers. They can also act as a channel between Indonesian and Chinese staff," said Tang Chunjie, in charge of the program at the LCVC.
In 2015, the program enrolled 63 students; in 2016, the number rose to more than 120.
"Parents are more willing to send their children here when they understand the benefits," Tang said.
"As businesses go overseas, finding enough high-quality talent and technicians becomes a challenge," said Huang Xiongbiao, deputy director of Guangxi's regional department of education. A great number of vocational colleges in Guangxi are driven by the demands of companies who want to expand overseas.
At Liuzhou辦公室零食櫃 Vocational Technical College (LVTC), construction equipment maker Guangxi Liugong Machinery is working with a dealer in Saudi Arabia to set up Saudi Arabia's first vocational university, with courses, programs and administration designed by the LVTC.
LiuGong has sold equipment such as excavators, cranes and loaders to about 50 countries along the Belt and Road, with sales of some products rising by over 20 percent last year.
Liao Jihua of LiuGong said the Saudis will provide both building land and funds.
"Many of the countries we cooperate with do not have the resource to train skilled workers," Liao said, adding that the college in Saudi Arabia was just a beginning.
"We plan to work on more such institutions under the Belt and Road Initiative," he said.
Li Yongqi, an official in charge of vocational education from Guangxi's education department, said his department plans cooperation on vocational education, especially between China and ASEAN, and expects help more vocational colleges to work with overseas businesses.
"We expect that wherever a Chinese business has reached, there will also be a vocational college," Li said.
【大湖農會】草莓手工蛋捲(奶蛋素可)(250g / 盒)x2盒組 初戀般的甜蜜!開箱推薦【大湖農會】草莓手工蛋捲(奶蛋素可)(250g / 盒)x2盒組 初戀般的甜蜜!團購美食 【大湖農會】草莓手工蛋捲(奶蛋素可)(250g / 盒)x2盒組 初戀般的甜蜜! 辦公室團購美食#GOODS_NAME#心得分享【大湖農會】草莓手工蛋捲(奶蛋素可)(250g / 盒)x2盒組 初戀般的甜蜜!伴手禮 【大湖農會】草莓手工蛋捲(奶蛋素可)(250g / 盒)x2盒組 初戀般的甜蜜!網路團購【大湖農會】草莓手工蛋捲(奶蛋素可)(250g / 盒)x2盒組 初戀般的甜蜜!辦公室零食推薦#GOODS_NAME#辦公室零食櫃【大湖農會】草莓手工蛋捲(奶蛋素可)(250g / 盒)x2盒組 初戀般的甜蜜!辦公室零嘴 您或許有興趣的東西:
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